
Princess Jelly sitting in front of a pixelated space background.



Alerts by Titch

Emotes by AkiraVG

Animated motes by Hoopyon

BetterTTV animated emotes by RadioDont

Burp gif Dance gif Popcat gif Popplio wobble gif Blob wobble gif

Sub badges by KoyLiang

Overlay and chatbox code by NikkiGZ0 and Chroneco

Game screen Just chatting screen


Model by PhiaMelo on twitter Model by poribaketu137 on twitter Model by scuffward on twitter Model by scuffward on twitter

credit (left --> right): PhiaMelo | poribaketu137 | scuffward | scuffward

Retired models

while i don't actively use these models anymore, they were amongst the first ones i ever commissioned and i love them sm ♥ the artists deserve to be shouted out!

Model art by mechokkucity on twitter | Rig by slum_bb Model by peachiipon on twitter

credit (left --> right): Art by mechokkucity and Rig by slum_bb | peachiipon